What is a Psychological Assessment?

What is a Psychological Assessment and why would I want to have it done at Cornerstone Psychological Services?
We follow the following steps:
During the first part of a psychological assessment, we spend some time making our clients comfortable. Once they feel at ease, then we initiate the assessment. This is done in a game-like format which typically makes it a stimulating and enjoyable process. In fact, a number of activities are now on iPads.
It takes us time to interpret the information we gather. Then we generate a simple, easy to read and comprehensive report about how a client learns, manages and produces information. We pride ourselves on generating reports that are meaningful and tell about "the person behind the scores."
At Cornerstone Psychological Services, a Psychological Assessment usually involve a combination of techniques:
- interviews
- questionnaires
- observations
- testing
While the game-like format typically is enjoyable, there may be some frustration in areas that are troublesome. Generally, this frustration doesn't last long as the testing is designed to swing back and forth between harder and easier items.
Once we know where a client's strengths and challenges are, we develop a toolkit of strategies that are simple, easy, and ready for use right away. Also, we try and suggest ways that technology can help such as an iPad, computer, or phone. Additional support such as counseling also may be provided and we have a number of treatment partners that we can recommend.
With the right-fitting toolkit, our clients are better able to reach their potential in education settings, the home, and the workplace.

The Participant's Role and a Few Cautionary Notes
Thankfully, there is no studying involved in a psychological assessment - just a good night's sleep. Since psychological tests are protected by copyright laws, parents and others outside of the testing process are not allowed to "watch" except in extenuating circumstances (e.g. with little children who are fearful, then parents may be in the room but further away). Also, we are required by copyright law to detect if someone has had prior access to this restricted material and has been coached on how to answer it. Though this is a very rare occurrence, it has happened, particularly, with gifted testing, disability tax credits, LSAT or other graduate entrance testing. At times, parents and/or clients may be unaware of the consequences. If this is the case, we have access to many more resources and will switch to a less familiar test, then test for the validity and reliability of the information we gather.